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007 Start today, not "on Monday"

We are trained to think we need a fancy start date to make something successful.

Hypothetically, what if I said this new fancy plan I have for you guarantees all your dreams will come true if you start on a Wednesday at 1:37pm on November 8th?  How willing are you to join?  How uncomfortable does that start date make you?

Who starts to be healthy on a Wednesday, everyone knows you can only be successful if you start on Monday.  And whoa, starting in the afternoon- that's when I have my afternoon junk food snack so I can't start then.  ANNND it starts in November, gosh that's too close to the holidays, I can't start then.

{but whoa, remember I just GUARANTEED you success}

If you're the person that finds faults and excuses to not start, then you will never be successful.  You have to get out of your own way.  Success doesn't happen because you started on a Monday on January 1st.  Success happens because you took action NOW!

You don't need a bunch of diet plans to choose from.  You need to chose ONE and take action!  You don't need a huge pinterest list of recipes, you need to take action on the ones you currently have pinned. Having all the books and healthy recipes doesn't do anything if they are not used.  You have to go to the store and choose to buy healthy food, you have to take the time to learn how to cook, you have to try new things.  Don't want to do all that, then stop complaining!  You don't get to complain you're not having success if you are not willing to do the things that create success!

People ask me all the time for a fitness plan they can follow.  "Just tell me exactly what to do and I will be successful," they say. Unless they take action and start sweating, they will not be successful.  I know when they ask me for a plan, a majority of the time what they are really asking for is, "will you do the workout and hard work for me but then magically burn off my body fat?"

You must do the work!  In a world of technology where things happen instantaneously, you are not yet a robot and must still put in the work required.  What I can promise you, is an amazing feeling of success and excitement when you earn your success and achieve your goals. Start with small actions, create small wins and give yourself credit when you do.  That generates the motivation you are looking for.

I promise small wins are worth it!

Audio version podcast -- HERE


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