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This is not a blog about how to eat or what to eat.  We will not talk about which diet is best or what timing of day you need to eat. We will not talk about how many calories you need to eat or how many you need to avoid.  You can spend hours on the internet researching and going deep into all of those rabbit holes if you want numbers.  For every new program you find, you can find "research" or "latest findings" to discredit everything that new program claims to have solved.  For every "do this great thing" there's someone else saying, "never do that thing."  Well then, what could we possibly have left to talk about?

Welcome to the mindset behind nutrition.  Something nobody seems to want to focus on.  Most people, companies and American marketers are too busy trying to sell you.  Hyped words, popular fads and buzzwords all playing on your desperate roller coaster needs to find a solution for you.  I'm here to help you think through the jumble so you can learn and decide what's best for you.  There's no perfect answer, no perfect way, and no perfect solution for nutrition that solves everyone's problems.  You have to find what works for you... and that might change through time.

While fitness is my main profession, I've studied nutrition for many years and I know there's never a simple answer that solves everyone's needs.  I'm here to bring you short thoughts and perspectives, as if I were in person coaching you, to help you understand nutrition better and become more confident in making choices and creating healthy habits.  Give me two minutes and an open mindset and we can create some magic together!

Listen to the audio podcast version HERE


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