Feeling lost and unsure how to start?
Tired of yo-yo dieting?
Feeling overwhelmed?
Wishing you could be happy and calm when you talk about what you plan to eat for the day?
Well, first know that it's a process to create changes that last. You won't get it all correct right from the start so be patient with yourself. Celebrate your wins, stop counting your losses or measuring "how far you still have to go." It's all about having the right mindset. You can have all the facts, but unless you accept to change how you think, you will revert back to old habits. It's going to make you uncomfortable, change always does, for every human, but you can do this!!
A diet program should teach you HOW to eat, not tell you. And I use the word "diet" meaning what you eat- not what you have to avoid. Society negatively uses the word "diet" to mean what you are "not eating." (ie: I can't have carbs on my diet). Well, diet is literally a word meaning what you eat, it should be a positive word. A healthy program will not tell you to have the same thing every day. A good program will teach you how to adjust for life, social events, vacations, training goals, etc.
We have to break this cycle of "I'm back on track. I was off my diet and now I'm back on." Or "ugggh vacation ruined everything." No vacation was amazing and it allowed you to have fun, relax, and eat foods that made you happy and ENJOY LIFE!! Do not make yourself feel guilty and remove all of that happiness that was necessary for you to enjoy vacation (that's a terrible way to get through life, do not guilt yourself for the happy moments).
We are on this planet to enjoy life- not to stress over how strict we follow a diet plan. There should be fluctuations in your eating habits. You should allow yourself to change. You should have high calorie days where you are eating a lot because of heavy workouts and busy schedule versus minimal calorie days where you're relaxing on the couch. Know how to provide the needed nutrients for both styles of life.
Teach yourself how to adapt for the week! You don't get one plan for the rest of your life. Stop following social media influencers who are fake, pretending they have it all figured out as they pose in bikinis every picture. Those are not quality sources. Start with Precision Nutrition, google them. I took their level 1, extremely in-depth certification and personally have listened to John Berardi speak at a conference and know his story of how he built a highly resourcefully nutrition program packed with free knowledge out there on the internet. This is not an ad, just offering a helpful resource so you have a beacon to point you in the right direction.
A diet program should teach you HOW to eat, not tell you. And I use the word "diet" meaning what you eat- not what you have to avoid. Society negatively uses the word "diet" to mean what you are "not eating." (ie: I can't have carbs on my diet). Well, diet is literally a word meaning what you eat, it should be a positive word. A healthy program will not tell you to have the same thing every day. A good program will teach you how to adjust for life, social events, vacations, training goals, etc.
We have to break this cycle of "I'm back on track. I was off my diet and now I'm back on." Or "ugggh vacation ruined everything." No vacation was amazing and it allowed you to have fun, relax, and eat foods that made you happy and ENJOY LIFE!! Do not make yourself feel guilty and remove all of that happiness that was necessary for you to enjoy vacation (that's a terrible way to get through life, do not guilt yourself for the happy moments).
We are on this planet to enjoy life- not to stress over how strict we follow a diet plan. There should be fluctuations in your eating habits. You should allow yourself to change. You should have high calorie days where you are eating a lot because of heavy workouts and busy schedule versus minimal calorie days where you're relaxing on the couch. Know how to provide the needed nutrients for both styles of life.
Teach yourself how to adapt for the week! You don't get one plan for the rest of your life. Stop following social media influencers who are fake, pretending they have it all figured out as they pose in bikinis every picture. Those are not quality sources. Start with Precision Nutrition, google them. I took their level 1, extremely in-depth certification and personally have listened to John Berardi speak at a conference and know his story of how he built a highly resourcefully nutrition program packed with free knowledge out there on the internet. This is not an ad, just offering a helpful resource so you have a beacon to point you in the right direction.
Change your mindset, change your life. That's where you start!
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