Why is it so hard to do the ONE thing we know we need to do? Why is it so hard to apologize? Instead we place blame, point fingers, make excuses, tell lies, and risk losing a friendship or relationship because we think it's easier to avoid the one thing that would make everything better- just apologize and take responsibility- but it makes us uncomfortable so we avoid it. We know that fitness is mandatory to a healthy life. We must move our bodies, we must challenge our muscles and cardiovascular system to be healthy and live a long, vibrant life. Instead it's far to common to keep searching for the quick fix, fake solution that seems to answer all our problems. We waste time, money and effort chasing the illusive magic pill when if you had just applied yourself to a solid fitness program you'd see results. Instead of always feeling defeated when that "magic fix" didn't work, you could have created good habits by just choosing to do the one thing- you...
2 Minute Nutrition Mindset, where amazing things happen with your brain and your relationship with food. Let's talk about nutrition in a way most people do not. No recipes or macro calorie counting here, you just need 2 minutes and the desire to learn